What if building perfect landing pages required no work at all?
Merca’s AI-generated 'live landing pages' tailor their product mix and promotion for every visitor in real time, so you can achieve higher RoAS & Margins
Don’t make your customers wait at the door!
Merca’s live landing pages are optimized to carry only essential functionalities, and are built on the React framework to load in half the time, even on a slow connection.
Average load time - 4.2 sec | Merca - 1.2 sec
Why show your customers products they won’t like?
Merca's live landing pages display the ideal products and promotions for each user, including tailoring results by the user's device, location, campaign and behavior for profit optimization
Are you putting your wasted visitors to work?
90% of ad visitors don't convert, yet with Merca's A/B testing, their interactions provide actionable insights to refine your offerings and user experience
2X Faster with simpler layout
Machine-picked relevant products
Price optimized through A/B testing
$1000/ month
Up to 1,000 SKUs
The traffic of up to 30,000 visitors/ month
$3,000/ month
Up to 10,000 SKUs
The traffic of up to 300,000 visitors/ month
A/B Testing of Content, Page Design, Recommendation Algorithms and Price
$8,000/ month
Up to 50,000 SKUs
The traffic of up to 1,000,000 visitors/ month
A/B Testing (all Challenger option features)
Human-curated creative experiments to improve catalog content
Got More Sessions/SKUs?
Talk to Sales at +1 929 544 3866/ vijesh@merca.ai